Liber Pharmaceuticals

About Liber Pharmaceuticals

Liber began life as Nicovape in 2016 as a proudly independent, Australian owned and operated, Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs) and pharmaceutical manufacturer.

With the TGA’s announcement of the rescheduling of NVPs as Schedule 4 medicines, Nicovape was able to move its operations onshore and in December 2020, Liber Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd was established domestically in Australia.

Our change to Liber aligns with our belief that NVPs should, and can, be manufactured to the standards required of pharmaceutical products. This belief has been validated by the TGA assuming stewardship of NVPs for the Australian market.

Liber believes that providing NVPs under medical supervision is a responsible and effective way to ensure that smokers receive the support they need when they attempt to quit smoking. The medical access channel provides an additional safeguard to prevent access by youth and non-smokers.

Doctors and pharmacists expect pharmaceutical standards for the products they prescribe or dispense. At Liber, this is precisely what we deliver.

Liber has never been a ‘lifestyle’ vaping company. Our focus is on developing vaporiser technology as a means of administering medicines, with a primary focus on nicotine for the purpose of smoking cessation.

Liber is committed to seeing its products achieve registration on the ARTG:

Pharmaceutical standards: Our products are manufactured to the highest possible standards, applying pharmaceutical standards where possible.

Medical supervision: Since our inception, Liber has incorporated medical supervision and support as an integral part of the support infrastructure surrounding access to our products.

Domestically insured: Liber is currently the only supplier to have met the strict quality manufacturing standards required to obtain full product liability insurance coverage in the Australasian region.

Quality ingredients and formulations: Our nicotine is manufactured in Switzerland under pharmaceutical cGMP and our flavour formulations are produced in a GMP certified laboratory using US/EU Pharmacopoeia ingredients.

Quality manufacturing standards: Liber’s hardware meets the highest globally recognised standard for Quality Manufacturing Systems (QMS) – ISO 9001 – and is currently being assessed for conformance with ISO 13485 (QMS for medical devices). With product quality and user safety as our highest priority, our focus is on constantly maintaining those standards.

Prescribing doctors

Register now as an Authorised Prescriber

Healthcare professionals

Learn about NVPs in a medical framework


Speak with a GP about quitting smoking

Nicotine Vaping Pharmacies

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Over 1,000 community pharmacies across Australia currently hold nicotine vaping products in-store.