Liber Pharmaceuticals

Product standards

The importance of standards

The TGA, and similar regulatory bodies around the world, set rigorous standards for the therapeutic products and medical devices that doctors and patients rely upon for peace-of-mind and quality assurance.

These standards ensure a minimum level of conformance with such things as:

  • Product safety and design;
  • Certified ingredients / prohibited ingredients;
  • Certified manufacturing facilities and cleanroom environments;
  • Appropriate packaging and labelling requirements; and
  • Agreed emissions standards.

As such, it would be prudent to require a similar set of standards to be met by NVPs intended to be prescribed by Australian doctors.

Liber's product standards

Device Manufacture

Device manufacture

Laboratory Cleanroom Standards

Laboratory cleanroom standards

Ingredient production

Ingredient production

Toxicological risk assessment

Toxicological risk assessment

Battery safety standards

Battery safety standards

Hazardous substances

Hazardous substances

Electromagnetic compatibility

Electromagnetic compatibility

Nicotine liquid standards

Nicotine liquid standards