Liber Pharmaceuticals

Our standards

Battery safety standards

The advancement of Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs) as a truly viable alternative to cigarettes is due, in a large part, to the rapid advancement in Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology. These advances have been essential to the miniaturisation of portable electronics, providing increasing levels of power storage and output, from increasingly smaller batteries. Li-ion batteries in consumer goods and medical devices alike are subject to a series of international safety standards.

With safety in mind, any prescribed e-cigarette device should be compliant with:

  • IEC 62133-2 – the international standard for exporting Lithium-Ion batteries, including those used in laboratory and medical equipment; and
  • UN 38.3 – UN Transportation Testing requirements for Lithium metal and Lithium-ion cells and batteries.

The testing for these standards subject the batteries and cells to a series of safety/abuse tests for adverse thermal, mechanical, electrical and environmental events.

An NVP prescribed to a patient, as with any medical device, must be certified for battery safety.

All Liber products are tested and certified to meet international safety standards for Lithium-ion batteries.